March 29, 2011

Fish and Fire

So, you found our camp; or was forcibly pushed here. It doesn't matter how. Neither what you are. Just that you are here.

First, let me present ourselves.

At utmost left, we have Odrake. Our holy paladin; as holy as a blood elf can be.
*cough cough*
Pretty centralized and focused, I must say.

On his lap, we have Naredia. Holy priest...
*Turns his head to both of them* ...seriously, you two, holy? I mean, come on!
We sleep in different tents, but in the same damn camp. We CAN hear you late at night. Or early morning. Lovey dovey my furry ass, those two are lovey bunneys...

... *ahem*

The one battling his tusks to eat some fish-on-a-stick (tm) is Sorkon. Troll, shaman. You know, that class that has to slave elementals so he can do something? Yes, he is that one. Oh, he likes it up close-and-personal, but like the rest of us, he is diving into restoration. He is just getting good at doing the good fight.

Lastly, the nice'n'cool looking, well mannered and godly handsome big fella at our right corner, it's me. Tsvet, your favorite shape shifter. My most loved form is the tree of life, since I prefer to stay close to Nordrassil. Its energy from regrowth empowers me... and it's cooler than the big-chicken-thing. (And green numbers are prettier than yellow ones)

We are four creatures in this large world, mainly devoted to keeping others alive and do their shenanigans, and you are invited to visit us wherever you feel wanting.

We will (try to) help you in getting to know how to heal your comrades, defeat your foes, move out of the bad, get on the good and, the most important, how to Life Grip the melee of your team away from the boss. It's just great when you see that confused face and drunk-like running all over the place.
...yes Sorkon, we are looking at you.

So, will you stay with us?

[Accept]                                              [Decline]

March 14, 2011



Welcome to our little camping spot. Sit on a patch of grass, grab a roasted fish and join us :3